by Ron Zayas
A new ransomware headline appears every week, a frightening indication of how prevalent such attacks have become. But when Change Healthcare, one of the nation’s largest providers, was hit in…
by Sara Darby
We know you didn’t publicize your home address online, but you may have provided your address when you ordered pizza for delivery. That pizza place sold your information to data brokers and people-…
by Sara Darby
When a weapon is used in a crime, judges often impose stricter sentences. But amidst political turmoil, controversial legal decisions, and a general decrease in civility, information may now be the…
by Ron Zayas
Earlier this month, it was revealed that an alleged privacy protection provider called Onerep was playing fast and loose with the personal information of its clients. In fact, the company’s owner…
by Ron Zayas
There’s an old saying that you can’t put toothpaste back in the tube. It simply means that some actions, once taken, can't be undone. Sadly, many individuals believe that is true about their online…
by Ron Zayas
Data breaches and ransomware attacks are a global threat – but a recent report revealed that American organizations are a favorite target. According to critical infrastructure security company…
by Sara Darby
For millions of Americans, social media has become a source of news, entertainment, and information, as well as a way to stay in touch with friends and family. But it has also, unfortunately,…
by Ron Zayas
What is a weapon? One dictionary defines that term as “any implement  used to deter, threaten, inflict physical damage, harm, or kill.” Over the course of human history weapons have evolved…
by Ron Zayas
In previous blogs we’ve discussed how artificial intelligence can fake a colleague or loved one’s voice within a phishing attack designed to extort money from unsuspecting victims. But to many this…
by Ron Zayas
For more than a decade IronWall360 has effectively removed our clients’ personal information from the Internet. This is sometimes easier to do in states that have passed consumer privacy legislation…

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